Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys – Compared to other cities in North Carolina, Concord maintains a low number of traffic accidents each year. However, the car accident in this city is not a loss for the victims and their families. . If you or your family have been injured in a car accident, call Ted A. Greve & Associates, P.A. Immediately.

Home of the famous Charlotte Motor Speedway and the headquarters of several NASCAR teams, Concord, North Carolina has made a name for itself in motorsports. However, this strong association with sports does not necessarily translate into actual road accidents in cities.

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

According to, there were only 9 fatal traffic accidents. in Concord in 2010. In 2011, 12 people, 6 vehicles and 2 pedestrians were killed in accidents, although Only 4 people died. There were no accidents in 2011 caused by drunk driving.

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For several years, including 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011, Concord had a lower number of fatal crashes than the North Carolina average.

Although their car accident statistics may be low, Concord car accident victims and their families are still suffering. Traffic accidents often result in bodily injury and sometimes wrongful death. These and other losses may result in victim compensation, such as:

Many car accident victims do not receive fair compensation because they do not have a good car accident attorney in their corner. A common reaction among car accident victims is to simply turn to their insurance carrier for help, not realizing that insurance companies often find ways to lower the victim’s claim. Unfortunately, countless victims end up getting less than what they deserve.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a car accident in Concord NC, you don’t have to be alone in your fight for justice. You can take appropriate legal action and obtain legal redress with the help of Ted A. Greve & Associates, P.A. The firm has handled clients’ motor vehicle injury cases for more than two decades, so you can be sure they have the skills and experience necessary to handle the most difficult cases. To find out how they can help you, call (844) 387-8677 for a free consultation.

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How To Choose The Best Car Accident Lawyer

I gave a good year to my company working as a forklift operator. . . Pull overtime, miss family time. . . When I was injured at work, the company doctor returned me immediately. My back was killing me – but no one was listening. I have real pain and fear for my future. Ted Greve & Associates helped me get the job done right. I have worked hard and I expect to be treated fairly.

If you have a Social Security disability claim, it’s not easy. There are hearings, all forms and it must be done correctly! I need help with my claim. A friend told me about Ted Greve and Associates. They have convenient locations throughout the area. I don’t like driving in traffic so they came out to explain what to do. . . And do it! I am very pleased with the results.

An easy group to work with. Have patience in working with their customers and take care of business. I highly recommend working with them if you need their services.

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

The staff is very understanding and helps to make the best of a difficult situation. Thank you, Ted Grave and Associates. Definitely recommended.

Should I Get A Lawyer For A Car Accident

I had a fantastic experience from start to finish with the whole company. They were always concerned about my well-being and satisfaction and understanding every step of the way as everything progressed. I would recommend this company to anyone. The Madison car accident attorneys at Boller & Vaughan are committed to helping accident victims move forward after a serious accident. We understand the difficulties our clients face and are passionate about helping them recover the compensation they deserve for their physical, financial and emotional losses.

If you have been injured in a car accident, experienced attorneys Matthew Boller and Michelle Vaughan can help.

Drivers in Madison are no strangers to car accidents. From congested city streets to major highways like I-39 and I-94, accidents bring traffic to a standstill every day.

Victims of car accidents are often unsure of how to proceed after an accident. The two biggest points of uncertainty are: (1). Should I see a doctor? and (2). Should I hire a lawyer?

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In general, the answer to both questions is yes. You should go to the emergency room as soon as possible after the accident – even if the doctor Treat and release you at the scene. The importance of timely medical intervention is twofold: First, the emergency department has the equipment and resources to make a more thorough diagnosis, and the emergency room physicians can provide more comprehensive care. Second, getting medical attention creates a record of your injuries from the accident.

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Your health should be your first priority after a car accident. The next important step is protecting your legal rights.

If the accident caused minimal damage to your vehicle and you suffered no or minor injuries, you may not need to seek legal advice. However, if you have sustained serious personal injuries in a car accident, it is in your best interest to speak with a car accident attorney at Boller & Vaughan as soon as possible.

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

Heavy traffic is a daily part of life in Madison. It is impossible to know exactly what the driver of another vehicle is thinking or doing behind the wheel. With that in mind, it’s in every driver’s best interest to stay alert, drive defensively, wear a seat belt, and take other steps to make every trip collision-free.

What To Do After A Car Accident Injury

Unfortunately, your best efforts to be safe on the road can be ruined by the negligent actions of other drivers. Some of the most common causes of car accidents we see in and around Madison include:

One of the main causes of distracted driving is cell phone use, especially texting. However, other activities – such as talking on the phone, eating, drinking, talking to passengers and playing the radio loudly – can also distract drivers and increase the risk of a car accident. Another potential distraction is looking off the path to the point of impact (rubbing), which can cause collisions to separate.

Driving faster than the speed limit reduces the control of the car and makes it difficult to stop. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding is a factor in more than a quarter of traffic fatalities.

Speeding and distracted driving aren’t the only precautions drivers can take behind the wheel. Reckless driving can take many forms, from not looking over your shoulder when changing lanes to ignoring traffic signals, other vehicles and pedestrians at intersections.

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Also known as road rage, aggressive behavior behind the wheel can end in tragedy. Aggressive drivers may swerve in and out of traffic, rear-end other vehicles, or (in extreme cases) try to run other drivers off the road.

Driving while drowsy or tired is an often overlooked factor in car accidents. Lack of sleep has similar effects to alcohol use. Tired drivers have longer reaction times, make poor decisions, and can even fall asleep behind the wheel and cause accidents.

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Drinking alcohol and drugs before driving is a serious crime. In addition to the criminal charges that can result from drunk driving, impaired drivers can be held liable for damages caused by accidents that occur.

Auto Accident Claim Attorneys

The causes of some accidents are relatively easy to determine. If you see a car going faster than the rest of the traffic and that driver crashes into your car, it’s easy to say that the other driver’s speeding and inattention caused the accident. Evidence at the scene, such as skid marks if the at-fault driver tried to brake before hitting you, should support this conclusion.

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However, not all accidents are cut throat. A thorough accident investigation may show that the negligence or wrongdoing of more than one party was a factor.

For example, in a commercial truck accident, an examination of the company’s records may reveal that the driver was unqualified and/or that the truck was improperly maintained. If this is the case, the shipping company and other third parties may be responsible.

At Boller & Vaughan, our car accident attorneys carefully gather relevant evidence and carefully examine all the facts to determine how the accident happened and who is at fault. Establishing these important aspects of your claim is critical to a full and fair recovery.

Get help now! Your initial consultation with our attorney is free. During your consultation, we will evaluate the merits of your case and provide Mr. our honest opinion that it is or should not proceed. Free consultation in the case of general car accident injuries

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Even a slight fender bender can cause whiplash and soft tissue and joint injuries. Serious car or truck accidents often leave victims with broken bones, burns, brain injuries and other serious injuries. In many cases, insurance claims do not cover all their financial consequences

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