Donate To Msf

Donate To Msf

Donate To Msf – Workers and day laborers unload the truck containing humanitarian supplies at the tent hospital site in Guiuan.

The war in Gaza: find out how we are responding The war in Gaza: find out how we are responding Find out more

Donate To Msf

Each year, our International Financial Report (IFR) provides an overview of international operations. Our International Activity Report (IAR) provides detailed information on our activities and spending in each country and highlights the key challenges we faced during the year. Access our Global Financial Reports and Global Operations Reports and learn more about our fundraising policy, where our funds come from and how your donations are used.

Doctors Without Borders: Resource Development Plan

In 2022, more than 7 million donors and private organizations (private companies and foundations) provided 97% of the 2.25 billion euros collected.

Our finances rely heavily on small donors. This helps ensure we operate independently and flexibly to respond in a timely manner to the most pressing issues, including those that are underestimated or ignored.

Globally, government revenue represents only a tenth of total revenue. Since 2016, we have refused to receive money from the European Union, its member states and Norway, against their destructive anti-immigration policies and their efforts to keep people from European shores.

Additionally, we do not accept donations from companies and industries whose primary activities could be in direct conflict with or prevent us from providing medical care.

Ways To Give Donations

Local workers unload goods at Old Fangak Airport in Jonglei District, South Sudan. The city is only accessible by boat or small plane.

We are a non-profit organization and 80% of our resources are dedicated to fulfilling our humanitarian mission: 65% to our humanitarian programs, 12% to support our projects and programs and 3% to raise awareness, Campaign Access and The Drugs. for Neglected Diseases (DNDi). The remainder is used for general management and capital expenditures. We also maintain a database that allows us to respond to issues immediately without waiting for them to escalate. Expenditures are strictly controlled and audited financial reports are publicly available.

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Each year we publish our audited financial statements. These integrated accounts are a means of transparency and accountability, providing a holistic picture of performance.

Donate To Msf

The International Financial Report represents the integration of the financial statements of 24 divisions, 18 branches, numerous satellites and foreign countries.

Each year, the International Activity Report summarizes our work in the field. This report details our operations in each country, provides global financial and operational information and highlights the key challenges we faced during the year. As a health care provider, you promote health care to those who need it most, right. it doesn’t matter where they are or if they make the headlines.

Your money finances millions of consultations, surgeries, treatments and vaccinations each year. As an organization, we strive to use your money wisely and help those in need. But how do we do it?

There we provide care directly and not through local agencies. We establish and manage medical services, train staff and respond to urgent and long-term emergencies. This means that the money you trust is used by .

When you donate money in Ireland, the money is deposited in a bank and then sent to the country that needs it most. This is coordinated across 19 offices and our operations in over 70 countries.

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Thank you for being part of this team and joining us in our mission to provide lifesaving medical care wherever it is needed.

We can all be proud of the incredible things we accomplish and the difference we make – one life at a time. With your continued support, we will continue this mission regardless of the challenges we face.

The way we raise and spend money is consistent with our core values: independence, neutrality and impartiality. Ireland rarely accepts government money; 100 percent of our donations come from private donors, like you.

Donate To Msf

This means they are wireless and allow us to provide medical care where it is needed most. It is you, our donors, who inspire the work. THANKS.

Doctors Without Borders By Sophie Bob

Frontline Email Subscription Learn about the country and its services, local events and more with Frontline, our monthly issue Family members comfort a woman waiting to be seen by a doctor at an outpatient clinic in Thaker, Leer County, South Sudan, on March 19. , 2017.

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The war in Gaza: find out how we are responding The war in Gaza: find out how we are responding Find out more

Problems can take many forms: armed conflicts, epidemics, natural disasters, malnutrition, etc. Your donation ensures that when disaster strikes, our teams will be there to solve problems and save lives.

Workers prepare medical supplies at the Ministry of Health in Gaza after an Israeli strike on October 8, 2023. Palestine, October 8, 2023.

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As we continue to conduct operations and supplies in Gaza amidst crowded areas, we call on all parties to respect the sanctity of hospitals, vehicles and workers.

A view of the Herat region following the earthquake that struck western Afghanistan on October 7. Afghanistan, October 9, 2023.

On Saturday October 7, an earthquake struck Herat, in western Afghanistan, killing more than 2,400 people. Our program director in Afghanistan briefs us on what’s happening.

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Transcript of the Sudanese ministerial summit at the United Nations General Assembly on September 20.

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A psychiatrist provides medical care to people who fled Nagorno-Karabakh in Goris, Syunik region. Southern Armenia, September 28, 2023.

After Azerbaijan invaded Nagorno-Karabakh, more than 100,000 people fled to Armenia, where our teams are responding to public health needs.

In 2020, he transformed the Rokero City Hospital into a special medical facility. Our teams manage the hospitalization department, the emergency room, the care establishments, the maternity and delivery rooms as well as the observation room. Sudan, February 2023.

Communities in Jebel Marra continue to face the challenges of the growing conflict in Sudan. Coordinator Nkemju Rosevelt talks about what happened to him in the country.

Doctors Without Borders, Epic Birthday Smackdown, Finis!

Aisha, a six-year-old Noma survivor, with her mother Hauwa in the post-operative ward of Sokoto Noma Hospital. Aisha thought about the day she would go to school. He wants to be a teacher. Nigeria, May 2023.

The inspiring stories of three noma survivors, who are now working to help others suffering from a neglected deadly tropical disease.

Hundreds of refugees have found shelter in a school in the town of Minova, in the South Kivu region, eastern DRC. May 2023.

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More than 80,000 people have fled the violence in North Kivu, and have fled the most difficult areas of South Kivu, without basic services and exposed to the risk of disease.

Nazar Sticker — Falgoush

The mobile medical team receives information before leaving for Bel-Air, a district located in the center of Port-au-Prince. Haiti, February 2023.

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Residents of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, are trapped in their neighborhoods due to ongoing violence. We operate mobile clinics to bring healthcare closer to people affected by the current humanitarian crisis.

After the major explosion in Beirut in 2020, groups provided emergency services to meet the needs of people at high risk, including the elderly and disabled. Lebanon, August 2020

Migrant workers in Lebanon risk harassment and abuse under the Kafala system, which prevents them from accessing health care. Our teams use different methods to meet their needs.

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Women queue to receive BP-5 nutritional biscuits, used to prevent malnutrition in children, at a distribution center in Djibo. Burkina Faso, April 2023.

Residents of Djibo, Burkina Faso, have been stuck for a year, mostly without food or aid. Our teams are responding by providing medical care, distributing food and rehabilitating the city’s water supply.

We are proud of the incredible support from our donors. Our financial system relies on the generous donations of millions of people around the world. It is our sponsors who promote the work.

Donate To Msf

In 2022, 97% of our revenue came from over 7 million donors. It is thanks to the generosity of these private donors – especially people like you, as well as private companies and organizations – that we can act independently and provide humanitarian aid in the most protected and neglected areas of the world.

Doctors Without Borders (msf)

In 2022, we raised 2.25 billion euros: 97% through private donations.

We are a nonprofit organization and 80% of our revenue is dedicated to fulfilling our humanitarian mission: 65% to our humanitarian programs, 12% to supporting our work and programs, and 3% to our testimony (

) and access campaign services. The remainder is used for general management and capital expenditures. We also maintain a database that allows us to respond to issues immediately without waiting for them to escalate.

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